I study how genetic diversity is distributed across the landscape, how conservation decisions are made, and how students learn. |
My goal as a scientist is to contribute to the conservation of the wild places that I love and to inspire others to do the same. My research encompasses two disparate but synergistic fields: evolutionary genomics in conservation-relevant systems and the discipline-based education research. My research on evolutionary processes in small isolated populations, using tools such as controlled crosses, genomics, population genetics, and phylogenetics, contributes directly to conservation efforts. I use that biology-focused research as an entry point to explore the human dimension of conservation via case studies, surveys, and hands-on experience for students. My research on student and stakeholder perceptions of conservation actions and on evaluation of evidence is then used as feedback for both my teaching and my biological research, as well as for effective conservation management.
Research Highlights
Bioinformatics, genomics, phylogenetics, population genetics, GIS, outreach & collaboration
- Postdoctoral Research Associate in Wildlife Genomics & Disease Ecology, University of Wyoming, March 2016 - Present
- Research Associate, conifer adaptation genomics, University of Colorado, 2013
- Research Associate, cutthroat trout population genetics, University of Colorado, 2010
- Research Technician, tundra warming experiment, Niwot Ridge LTER, 2008
- Research Technician, elk-cottonwood community ecology, Great Sand Dunes National Park, 2008
- Research Technician, sub-alpine carbon cycling, Niwot Ridge LTER, 2007-2008
- PhD, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, 2016
- MA, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, 2011
- BA, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Spanish Language & Literature, 2007
- Love Stowell, S. M., Kennedy, C. M., Beals, S. C., Metcalf, J. L., & Martin, A. P. (2015). The genetic legacy of more than a century of stocking trout: a case study in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 72(10), 1565-1574. [hyperlink: http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/abs/10.1139/cjfas-2015-0009?af=R&#.V-VCAPArLt4]
- Metcalf, J. L., Love Stowell, S., Kennedy, C. M., Rogers, K. B., McDonald, D., Epp, J., ... & Martin, A. P. (2012). Historical stocking data and 19th century DNA reveal human‐induced changes to native diversity and distribution of cutthroat trout. Molecular Ecology, 21(21), 5194-5207. [hyperlink: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/mec.12028/abstract]
- Love Stowell, S. M., Kennedy, C. M., Moran, P., Stege, E., & Martin, A. P. Conservation implications of relatedness, deformity, and reproductive skew in the hatchery stock of greenback cutthroat trout. Submitted.
- Love Stowell, S. M., Pinzone, C. P., & Martin, A. P. Overcoming barriers to active interventions for genetic diversity. Submitted.
- Love Stowell, S. M., Kane, N.C., Rogers, K. B., & Martin, A. P. Genomic basis of inbreeding depression and genetic rescue in an interlineage cross of cutthroat trout. In preparation.
- Love Stowell, S. M., Gagne, R., Bentley, E., Rutledge, L., & Ernest, H. Extraction methods for mammalian DNA from dried blood spots on FTA paper. In preparation.
- Love Stowell, S. M., Gagne, R., & Ernest, H. Wyoming-wide population genetic assessment of bighorn sheep using multiple types of genetic markers. In preparation.
Bioinformatics, genomics, phylogenetics, population genetics, GIS, outreach & collaboration